Pain is a condition of distress & can be chronic or acute in nature. Living with pain minor
or major is stressful & does not permit normal functioning of the mind & causes stress &
distress the scale is governed by the intensity, duration & cause.
Relief is much sought after & the most common methods are internal medicine or injections &
rubs. Sometimes surgery in extreme conditions.
QRST Pain relief therapy is ideal for pain relief ranging from 5 days to 7 days of treatment
this is effective in reducing pain for long durations from 3 months to 6 months per therapy
session. Without any medication or injections - relief caused by magnetic resonance in a
Quantum field induced RF based technology. Working by aligning of the cells & introduction
of a frequency to relieve pain at the cellular level it is a totally safe treatment without
side effects. The action that takes place prior to introduction of any regenerative therapy
induces a pain reduction frequency in the effected area.